I2P Distributions

I2P (Java)
Installable - Usable as Library - API-Provider - File Sharing - Web Hosting - Mail
I2P Anonymous Network
Anonymous peer-to-peer distributed communication layer built with open source tools and designed to run any traditional Internet service such as email, IRC or web hosting.

Installable - API-Provider
GitHub - i2p-zero/i2p-zero: Zero dependency, small footprint, cross-platform I2P Java Router with simple tunnel/socks controller and SAM interface
Zero dependency, small footprint, cross-platform I2P Java Router with simple tunnel/socks controller and SAM interface - GitHub - i2p-zero/i2p-zero: Zero dependency, small footprint, cross-platfor...
Installable - API-Provider - Usable as Library
Invisible Internet Protocol Daemon

I2P Java for Android
Installable - API-Provider - Android Application
F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/packages/net.i2p.android.router/
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.i2p.android&gl=US
i2pd for Android
Installable - API-Provider - Android Application
F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.purplei2p.i2pd/