Tools and Plugins For Developers

The following list was catalogued last in June 2022.

Go (golang) I2P Tools

samcatd a.k.a. sam-forwarder many of the other applications use sam-forwarder as a way of automatically configuring i2ptunnels, including:

  • httptunnel is a standalone http proxy for I2P that uses SAM and implements an interface like sam-forwarder.
  • eephttpd is a simple static http server with markdown parsing support.
  • gitsam is a super-simple git repository setup built on eephttpd and gitkit.
  • reposam is a binary deb repository built on repogen.
  • samtracker is a simple torrent tracker built upon retracker.
  • cowyosam is a pastebin-wiki hybrid built on cowyo
  • colluding_sites_attack is a tool for fingerprinting browsers as they visit eepSites to determine if useful information can be extracted.
  • outproxy is a standalone outproxy built on SAM. Definitely don't use it if you don't know what you're in for.
  • libanonvpn is a VPN library and terminal application that uses SAM Datagrams. Sort of like onioncat, but cooler.
  • checki2cp is an I2P router presence detection tool. Use it to find out if an I2P router is installed.
  • goSam is a SAM library for Go that implements an HTTP Transport.
  • keyto is a text key conversion tool.
  • sam3 is another SAM library for Go, but it implements a net.Conn and net.Packetconn making it a near drop-in replacement for regular connections.

Tutorials, Research

  • I2P Javadoc Mirror of the I2P Java documentation. Clone it into ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/javadoc-i2p/ to set up your own mirror automatically. git clone ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/javadoc-i2p/
  • Nextcloud over I2P Example Instructions for setting up your own hosted services over I2P using NextCloud.
  • DokuWiku over I2P Example Instructions for setting up your own wiki over I2P using DokuWiki.
  • SSH over I2P Example Instructions for setting up your own remote access over I2P using SSH.

The following is a copy of all the plugins zzz collected. They’re all also added to a torrent which is available at:


More Resources From Idk does everything that the Hidden Services Manager does but is easier to use as an external library which can be used for: